Audio Transcription

Rosetta Translation offers a fast and professional audio transcription service; converting a spoken language source into the written form. Upon listening to your recording, we will appoint transcribers specializing in the required subject matter to type out word-for-word what is being spoken. We can also subsequently translate your transcript.

Good quality sound files enable the best transcription possible. Electronic files are preferred since they provide the quickest and easiest formats to work with and can be uploaded securely to our website. Alternatively, Rosetta Translation can also offer a transcription service for the following formats: mini, micro and standard cassettes, mini discs, CDs and DVDs. Please note that if sending recordings through the post we do recommend that you use either Special or Recorded Delivery in order that you can track delivery.

All Rosetta transcriptions undergo a two-stage process. Each recording is transcribed by an experienced transcriber and then checked by a second linguist for accuracy and completeness. Should any words, phrases or spelling be unclear, these will be [placed within square brackets], indicating that this requires verification by the client.

Your completed transcripts will then be returned via email, CD or hard copy within the agreed deadline and in accordance with your instructions. For example, you may choose at the start whether you wish to have a verbatim or standard transcription.

For an additional charge, time coding may also be inserted to indicate each change of speaker.

Many factors can affect the time taken to transcribe recordings. Prices will be quoted for each individual project and will depend upon content, number of speakers, rate of speech, whether any layering of speech is present, accents, background noise and quality of audio recording. We reserve the right to review our quotation should this differ dramatically from the information provided, or should the recording be unclear.

Please complete our online request form to receive a free quotation or email for more information.

Recent Transcription Clients

The Times Newspaper
Match Solicitors
Runtime Revolution